
You Love It? So Do It.

When was the last time you did something that you enjoy? Working a full-time job can be a hassel. Working a full-time job and having other responsibilities can be even more of a hassel. Working full-time, having other responsibilities and being in a long-term relationship combined might cause you to forget to take time to do what makes you happy. My fiance and I have recently taken on a lot of responsibility of taking care of my 3 year old nephew, who is just the light of my life, and with the combination of working 40+ hours a week it can be a lot to handle. Now, I am not speaking for everyone, some people are able to juggle their life with no problem! I am not that person. I am one to struggle with making time for myself because I am busy taking care of others. Taking care of others is something I absolutely love to do but I also forget that maybe I need some care as well; selfcare. I realize that it has been quite a while since I have taken the time to sit down and write, to enjoy letting my mind express itself. I put myself on the back burner more than I should. I realize that I am not the only person who does this, so if you are reading this- make some time this week for yourself. I am going to challenge myself to spend at least an hour a day doing something that I love to do. Reading a book, writing, listening to music or baking. Those specific things bring so much joy to my life and I am going to demand from myself that I make a change. I challenge you to make a change; I challenge you to do it with me.